Alberto Corrales Garcia

Benefits of using TypeScript in your project

Introduction Since I started my career in Computer Sciences, I have had the chance to work with a huge variety of frontend and backend technologies. During that period, on the client side, I wit...

Madrid DotNet 2019 summary

Thanks to Fenergo, this week I had the chance to attend DotNet 2019 in Madrid and it was a really rewarding experience. For this reason, I would like to post a summary of the day and the key poin...

Azure Functions, the future of SaaS

Introduction Recently, I have had the chance to use Azure Functions as candidate for the design and development of a service, which will be delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS). Azure Funct...

Migrating legacy projects to .Net Core/Standard

Introduction After the second version of .NET Core, it is pretty likely to be the future for .NET development, at least for many years. Luckily for legacy projects, Microsoft still continues sup...

Script to clean your Visual Studio solution folder

Sometimes, cleaning your solution folder comes in handy when you want to build from scratch. If you don’t do so, you can have unexpected results because of the files generated by your previous bu...

Why you should migrate your old csproj to SDK format

Introduction  With the introduction of Visual Studio 2017, the format used for csproj was updated including several advantages. This new format will be used when you create a new .Net Core project...

Maintaining AssemblyInfo for multiple projects

When you are developing an application or manly a NuGet package, you might want to keep the same AssemblyInfo for all your packages, which involves updating each project when you w...

Use Visual Studio extension to distribute your Code Snippets

Introduction In a previous post we saw how you can build code snippets to write tests faster empowering your team to follow good practices. https://www.albertocorrales.com/2018/10/writing-unit-tes...

Run Visual Studio as Administrator

Probably you already knew this trick to run apps in Windows 10 as Administrator. If not, I hope this tip can help you. Sometimes, you need to execute Visual Studio as Administrator always, for exa...

Writing unit tests faster

Introduction When you are writing tests, the name of the test is very important because the person who is executing the test should be able to detect what was fine or wrong at a glance. For this r...