Alberto Corrales Garcia

Building Micro-Frontends with Single-Spa

Introduction Micro-services architecture is becoming trendy since it is a suitable option many projects, specially those that are complex and we want to be able spilt our business logic into diffe...

Managing snapshots for Amazon ElasticSearch with Dotnet Core Lambdas

Introduction =============== It is awesome to have some useful services like ElasticSearch managed by AWS, so you don’t have to care about patching, monitoring, etc. When it comes to backup mana...

How to Setup EventStoreDB on AWS EC2 with Pulumi IaC

Introduction  EventStoreDB (ESDB) is an industrial-strength database technology used as the central data store for event-sourced systems. It is available open-source to run locally on most pla...

Code coverage report generation for dotnet core applications

In “Working Effectively with Legacy Code” Michael Feathers introduced a definition of legacy code as code without tests, since a code without tests is difficult to maintain, extend and evolve. It...

Making DDD and CQRS Microservices easy with dotnet templates

Introduction If you are working with Microservices, you might have noticed that you are repeating over and over the scaffolding for your new microservices. In order to make easier the creation o...

Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi, AWS and Azure DevOps

Introduction I still remember when I had to ask IT to have a new server. After that, I had to wait and pray for having the server with the corresponding permissions, software, etc. That is tha...

Graph databases with AWS and dotnet core

Introduction Graph databases are NoSQL databases that store data using graph structures. In other words, your data will be stored as nodes and edges, which represent your objects and their relat...

From OpenAPI to source code with CI/CD

Introduction In the era of Microservices, you are probably designing or consuming one or more Web Services. As a result, you might be aware of the importance of having a good definition of your ...

React Rally 2019

If you work with React, you might be interested in watching #ReactRally 2019 conference: - Day 1: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dvtfNpt75aA - Day 2: https://youtube.com/watch?v=8dKljTMDGu0 Here yo...

Git and branching workflows

Introduction When you are working in a software project, one of the most important aspects is your branching strategy. If you are using GIT (and if don’t, probably you should consider it), there...